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Equality For All Positions

Since the beginning of this “free and equal” country, it has proven that it is anything but that. From gender to race; the United States discriminates all. This can be seen throughout the past couple centuries of America’s history. How can America claim to fight for freedom and equality, when they don’t even offer equality for everyone in their military? To this day, women still cannot hold certain positions in the military. This fight for gender equality goes back to the very roots of America’s history. Women have dealt with sexual assault, nonexistent voting rights, and no equal pay.

Women have been the parent to stay home and tend to the kids and house. But not

every woman obeyed this cultural belief. Women like Deborah Sampson and many others, who dressed as men to fight in battle, were among the first to begin breaking the glass ceiling for women across history.

But to this day, that glass ceiling is not completely broken. As mentioned earlier, women don’t have the same opportunities as men in the military. One excuse given for this inequality is that women are believed to be weaker than men. But, if women can pass the same training that men go through, then can’t they be available to get the same job? And it has proven that time and time again that women CAN pass this vigorous training.

Another excused used are kids. As said, women are seen as the parent to stay home and watch the kids, but women no longer play this domestic role. Statistics show that more and more women play an active role. Not only in the work force, but also the military. However, pregnancy is still seen as an issue in the fight for equality. However, this argument can be easily debunked with the advancements in birth control. Pregnancy rates have dropped significantly due to these advancements. Therefore, women can properly deal with this so called “risk” promptly.

The involvement of women in history was not even a wanted thing. It was needed. In fact, women were only used due to a shortage of personal during World War 2. But, their involvement proved very vital to the war efforts. Even Deborah Sampson got acknowledgement for her efforts in the Revolutionary war. Paul Revere personally wrote about Deborah’s bravery and her right to be paid for her service. The acknowledgements did not end there. There are multiple essays written about women’s contribution in the war efforts. So, if women played such a key role in wars in American history, shouldn’t they be able to have equal opportunity for ALL positions?

Therefore, women have proved that they should be able to have equal opportunities. They have also disproved any argument that upholds this inequality that has been shown throughout history.


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