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Racism and inequality remains a widespread issue in today’s society. With more social and multimedia recognition of the inequality in America, we as Americans can contribute to the end of racism and inequality. African Americans have always been treated as less than any white man.

Reflecting on our country’s past, the Middle Passage was a prime example of this. The Middle Passage was also known as the Slave Ship. During this event Africans were kidnapped, throw on a ship, and shipped out to America. Throughout the journey Africans died of sickness and hunger because of the poor conditions they faced.They were also murdered or beat if they did anything the White men did not approve of.Once they reached America, the Africans were sold to the highest bidder where they worked as slaves the rest of their lives.

African Americans never truly had a say in what they wanted for themselves as a person. They’ve never had the same privileges as White men. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement today proves America to still treat African Americans as less of a person. One case in BLM, The Michael Brown Legacy,was a horrid situation. A White male officer suspected Mr. Brown (an African American)to have stolen a pack of cigarillos from the corner store. Without being sure Mr. Brown was the thief, he was shot 6 times and killed by the officer. The officer’s judgement was stereotypical.

In court, there was no justice for Mr. Brown. The officer testified, which police officers were not typically allowed to do. This proves that White men are still privileged, the officer faced no charges and was set free.

Americans may think we’ve done numerous things to support the equality of African Americans, and this is true. Although there have been changes, there have not been enough changes because racism and inequality still exist. With more social and multimedia awareness of this issue we can persuade the country to act in a more kind and considerate manner towards all people.

Some may argue that we as Americans have come a long way from racism, there are no more segregated schools, slavery is not an issue, blacks can vote, etc., therefore everyone now has equal opportunity. Even though it seems there is equal opportunity, stereotypes and racist are proven to be still be in existence today. Almost 90 percent of white people in America who take the Implicit Association Test show an inherent racial bias for white people versus black people.

I hope to prove that we Americans are all equal even if we come from a long history of slavery.

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